Pauline Richardson Bsc(Hons), HND,Dip Intuitive Coaching, Colonic Hydrotherapy & Nutrition in Bromley, Kent & South East London

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What is Colonic Hydrotherapy / Irrigation?

Colonic irrigation and enemas are amongst the oldest recorded medical treatments. Implements for giving enemas and descriptions of their use are recorded in the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, dating from 1500BC. Enemas continued to be used extensively as part of lay healer’s treatments until the mid-1800s, when medicine became a more organised, science-based practice. Enemas and colonics were used in the home and hospitals, usually administered by nurses or midwives, to ensure daily bowel movements- recognising the importance of maintaining regular elimination to allow the body to heal.

“Every tissue is fed by the blood, which is supplied by the intestinal system. When the intestines are dirty, the blood is dirty & so are the organs and the tissues. It is the intestinal system that has to be cared for before any effective healing can take place.”
Dr Bernard Jensen

Colonic Hydrotherapy/Irrigation. Flower_002a

The Benefits of Colonic Hydrotherapy/Irrigation

Colonic irrigation/hydrotherapy is a well-established natural therapy that acts directly on the colon. An infusion of purified water is introduced gently under low pressure via a small tube and circulates throughout the colon. This effectively removes waste matter and toxins that have built up and adhered to the colon wall, and that have not been removed during normal excretion.

Some of the main benefits to the colon are:

  • Toning
  • Removing waste & toxic material
  • Massaging, re-establishing more normal shape and form
  • Emptying pockets and improving muscle contraction
  • Balancing the micro flora ecosystem
  • Increasing the absorption of nutrients through the colon
  • Improving transit time
  • Increasing well-being

Colonic Irrigation/Hydrotherapies help with the following conditions:
  • Flatulence
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome, (I.B.S)
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Colitis
  • Alternating Stools
  • Diverticulitis
  • Food intolerances
  • Candida
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Bad breath
  • Thrush
  • Acne
  • Headaches
  • Joint pain
  • Skin conditions

Colonic Hydrotherapy/Irrigation. Water_007

What happens in a treatment?

Every person is different and changes in our lives create different stresses, so no standard number of treatments is recommended. Generally it is suggested that a course of between 3-6 treatments is taken. The number of treatments required depends on the individual and this may vary from only one or two treatments to a number spread out over a period of time, after which preventative or maintenance treatments are used to achieve optimum colon health.

The session is not painful and is conducted in a warm, relaxed, comfortable yet safe and hygienic environment. A short questionnaire will be completed beforehand to assess your needs and the treatment is fully explained. The client’s privacy is respected at all times.


Cost of First Treatment - (initial Consultation) £90
Cost of Subsequent Treatment - £90
Cost of 3 Treatment - £240

To book a treatment

The appointment time is one hour, of which the colonic treatment itself takes 30-45 minutes.

The treatment cost is £90 A course of 3 is £240 designed to be used in close concision ( less than 8 weeks). If you would like to contact me to make an appointment or to find out more about the treatments I offer, please click here.

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