My clinic is located in The Bromley Health Store, 8 Widmore Road, Bromley BR1 1RY.
The Association of Registered Colon Hydrotherapists has been going for 30 years. "ARCH takes great pride in the high standards we set for our members, and we work hard to ensure that our members uphold these standards to maintain the integrity and reputation of ARCH."
The Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council is the only government-backed regulator for the alternative healthcare industry. Like ARCH, the CNHC focuses on safety and quality (although in practice ARCH standards actually exceed those laid down by the council). The CNHC handles any complaints about ARCH therapists using a fitness to practice code.
Over 45% of the population react adversely to foods that they eat, which whilst not life threatening, can have a massive impact on someone’s quality of work and home life.
The way that food can affect our everyday life is often difficult to explain and it is common for people to try and eliminate foods from their diet to help themselves feel better. Often they don’t know which foods to try and eliminate and have to guess. Many people don’t know that identifying food intolerances can be an important element of optimising health and wellbeing.
Lorisian has over 35 years’ experience, specialising in laboratory tests that measure food triggers (food-specific IgG antibodies). Our results offer a fast track or starting point for an elimination diet. The tests are aimed at those that may have food intolerances, and those who want to optimise their diets by avoiding any foods that they are reacting to. Our aim is to promote wellbeing within the pressures of a modern lifestyle.